This course examines the phenomenology of depression - that is, how depressed individuals experience and describe depression. We will be looking at how depression changes one’s experience of their body, time, space, and relationships with other people, by analysing first-person depression accounts in autobiographies, memoirs, and research studies. Drawing on philosophical frameworks and contemporary research, mainly from the phenomenological tradition of Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, and Merleau-Ponty, we will be exploring the interplay between mind, self, and world in the context of depression.
Tutor: Angelos Sofocleous PhD
Term: Summer
Day: Saturday
Dates: 31 May and 07 June 2025
Time: 10am-1.15pm
No. of weeks: 2 (consecutive weeks)
Full fee: £57
Location: Online
This course will be delivered via Zoom. Students joining the course will need access to a computer, laptop or tablet with a microphone (essential) and a webcam (desirable), as well as a reliable broadband connection.