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Tidy and Sort (class set of 30) including P&P

Tidy and Sort story book



This resource provides an opportunity for children to investigate a variety of ‘mixtures’ and the means by which they are best separated. The activities are put in context using a storybook, in which two sisters are presented with tubs of mixed objects to sort out. One of the sisters always wants to find the easiest way to sort the objects, and the other sister begins to use the same approach.



Detailed Description

This class set of thirty storybooks accompanies the free-to-download publication Tidy and Sort (available here), aimed at teachers of 5-7 year olds. The storybook provides a valuable link with literacy and sets the scene for a range of science activities linked to National Curriculum science for Key Stage One.

Please note: The science activities do not rely on the use of the storybook.