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Vanbrugh Rocks: Instrument Hire

Vanbrugh Rocks: Instrument Hire


Vanbrugh Rocks Instrument Lending Library: If you are borrowing an instrument valued over £500 for us to replace then we usually charge £5 a week. 

Some of the instruments in this catagory included: Double Bass, Cello, some of the more valuable guitars, saxophones etc.

To see a full list of instruments, go to the Vanbrugh Rocks Instrument Lending Library website.

Please DO NOT purchase this until you have signed out the instrument and been sent a request to pay via this method.  Refunds are hard to do!

How to pay:

When you return an instrument we will count up how many weeks you have had the instrument and send you a link to this page asking you to pay the number of week owed.

If there are repairs to be made to the instrument we may also ask you to make an additional payment.

If you have had an instrument out for 5 weeks then we give you 1 week free - 5 weeks for the price of 4!

If you have any questions, please contact us at college-music-scheme@york.ac.uk before you make a payment.




5 Weeks


