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Safety Case Development & Review (SCDR)


Course Information

Image of Autonomous Vehicle

This module addresses the production and assessment of safety cases within safety projects. The module covers the role, purpose and typical content of safety case; explains how safety case arguments and evidence can selected; relates the development and maintenance of safety cases to the engineering lifecycle; details how safety case arguments can be critically assessed; and explains the regulatory context for a safety case development regime.

Course Code


Course Leader

Richard Hawkins
Course Description

Module aims:

This module addresses the production and assessment of safety cases within safety projects. The module covers the role, purpose and typical content of safety case; explains how safety case arguments and evidence can selected; relates the development and maintenance of safety cases to the engineering lifecycle; details how safety case arguments can be critically assessed; and explains the regulatory context for a safety case development regime.

Module learning outcomes:

- Describe the role, purpose and typical content of a safety case

- Devise and present clear safety arguments using both text and graphical notations (particularly the Goal Structuring Notation)

- Describe the risks, strengths and weaknesses of safety cases

- Review and evaluate a safety case

- Understand how to undertake safety case maintenance throughout the lifecycle of a system or service.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
10/12/202412/12/20240£2100.00[Read More]