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Human Factors for Safety (HUFS)


Course Information

Image of Autonomous Vehicle

This course focuses on the provision of Human Factors support to safety related system design / engineering projects. It provides a foundational introduction to key Human Factors topic areas and the opportunity to apply key Human Factors techniques related to human error identification / human reliability analysis, with an eye on the strengths and limitations of each.

Course Code


Course Leader

Katrina Attwood
Course Description

Module aims:

This course introduces you to human factors concepts and techniques that can be used to support the design and evaluation of complex interactive systems, with a particular emphasis on safety critical systems. These techniques include work analysis (including task analysis and scenario analysis), human error assessment, design and evaluation of interactive systems and human reliability assessment.

Module learning outcomes:
By the end of this course you will have an understanding of:

- usability its relation to error;
- user requirements elicitation and analysis;
- work representation – hierarchical task analysis;
- principles of design and prototyping;
- evaluation of interactive systems;
- errors and principles relating to human reliability;
- human reliability analysis;
- human error analysis.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
01/04/202503/04/20250£2100.00[Read More]