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Travelling in the Middle Ages


Course Information

Travelling in the Middle Ages

A non-accredited history and heritage course

Course Code

CLL 24/25_NA_092
Course Description

Medieval people travelled much more frequently than normally thought. Most of them left their villages and towns to reach cathedral cities at least once a year. Many ventured further away to Rome, Jerusalem, or Santiago de Compostela. Famous travellers like Marco Polo and John of Mandeville have left invaluable accounts of their journeys throughout the known world. This course will explore the practical and logistical issues of medieval travelling. It will be illustrated by contemporary maps and descriptions of exotic places found in medieval ‘travel journals’.

Tutor: Cristina Figueredo BA MA PhD

Term: Spring

Day: Tuesday

Start Date: 28 January 2025

Time: 2-4pm

No. of weeks: 8

Full fee: £91

Location: Online

This course will be delivered via Zoom. Students joining the course will need access to a computer, laptop or tablet with a microphone (essential) and a webcam (desirable), as well as a reliable broadband connection.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
28/01/202518/03/20250£91.00[Read More]