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The Age of the Normans

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Course Information

The Age of the Normans

A non-accredited history and heritage course

Course Code

CLL 24/25_NA_125
Course Description

The Normans played a major role in European history. Famous for their martial spirit, they conquered lands in Europe and the Middle East. This course will study their development from their Viking origins to their settlement in Normandy. It will follow them as Kings of England, Kings of Sicily, rulers of Southern Italy, and Princes of Crusader States in the Holy Land. The course will consider textual and visual sources and focus on the political, military, and cultural changes the Normans brought to their dominions.

Tutor: Cristina Figueredo BA MA PhD

Term: Summer

Day: Thursday

Start Date: 24 April 2025

Time: 2-4pm

No. of weeks: 10

Full fee: £114

Location: Online

This course will be delivered via Zoom. Students joining the course will need access to a computer, laptop or tablet with a microphone (essential) and a webcam (desirable), as well as a reliable broadband connection.

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